Wednesday 1 June 2016

letter to the editor

Dear EA Dice, and Electronic Arts.

       I making this letter to tell the creators of battlefield that they have passed my expectations of the games they have made. One thing i do not like about the game is all the haters saying the game is trash and that its not better than COD, in my opinion battlefield crushes cod because your not stuck to the ground and every map in cod feels the same. In battlefield the maps are diverse and huge, every map takes place in a different part of the world. Battlefield is unique because if you want to fly, than grab a jet or a helicopter and wreck people on the ground, if your more infantry than a flyer grab your squad and clear the buildings of the map. everything you do in battlefield is based on teamwork, every Call Of Duty match is just madness and people getting mad at there T.V and raging. battlefield is always fun to play and way more weapons to choose from. i wanted to make this letter to tell the creators of battlefield that they made a great game and to keep up the great work.

Sincerely, levellord65

Friday 27 May 2016

Teen Portrayal in the Media

        We have watched Three tv shows and one movie about teens in the media at his point. The OC didnt really show teens all that well becasue all them where rich except for that one guy and every teen at the party was doing hardcore drugs so The OC would not be my pick of a most accurate portrayal of teens. Gossip girl was just like The OC but worse in my opinion. the TV show that showed teens more accuratly would have to be Glee becasue they were not all rich, there were bullies and i did not see a party in the first episode, the Tv show was focused more on the topic of everyday life in school for different types of people and how they got treated by there peers and how some of them were really liked in school and how some people never really fit in.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

teen and the media part 2

The article is mainly about how bad teenage boys are and how they are treated by people in the media most teenage boys are treated like criminals or thugs some people even called teenage boys who wear hoodies yobs 591 times followed by sick, feral, evil, frightening, and inhuman. this article was basically about how much people hate bad kids, and "young thugs" are only loved when they die.

1. do you think teens are portrayed accurately and fairly? No i don't think teens are treated fairly in the media because they are not looking for kids who are good or looking for kids who don't do drugs or don't do crime, they are looking for so called thugs that they portray badly to give that bad name out.

2. Does the media reinforce stereotypes? Are they realistic or fair? Yes i believe the media reinforces stereotypes but i think only the bad ones because its the better story that people that want to see. they are not fair because you never see a story about a teenager being good because that's boring they want the story of the "thug" doing crime.

3. Are the teens you see on T.V. like you? No because the teens that I've watched in shows have kids, or do messed up drugs, and i'am not as rich as the teens in shows we have watched.

teen pregnancy in the media

Teen moms are taking over reality T.V, in my opinion that is stupid because by doing that your telling youth or young kids that its alright to become a teen mom or saying that if you have a child while you are a teen you will become famous, lots of stupid people will believe that its alright to be a young parent so no I don't think that it is a good thing that teen moms are taking over reality T.V.

Friday 13 May 2016


1. How does the portrayal of teen pregnancy differ from the movie Juno to shows like Teen Mom?

* Create a T Chart of the similarities and differences in Teen Mom and Juno. It should look like this:

Teen Mom and Juno  

  • both had babies
  • both were very immature 
  • both sexually active 
  • both stupid 

  • Juno is pregnant in the movie and teen mom is when they are caring for there offspring/baby
  • not as much arguing in Juno as there is in teen mom 

2. Does one glorify teen pregnancy more than the other? Yes, teen mom maybe because they got famous because of stupid choices or choices that got them a baby and famous.

3. Which of the two shows a more accurate portrayal of teens? Why? Teen mom because it shows a more accurate portrayal of teens step by step raising the baby and every single argument that happens, not like Juno going season by season showing us how big her belly is getting.

4. Have you seen similar characters (Juno, Vanessa, Paulie and Mark) in other films/ soap opera? Is it common to know such people in our real life? Can you guess and explain what the director actually implies? No, I have never seen anybody act like the characters in the movie. I don't think its common to know people like this because theses people just act like there are movie actors 

5.     5. What kind of impact do you  think the movie Juno has on teens and teen pregnancy? Juno in my opinion doesn't have a big impact on teens because its  just not that kind of movie its the kind of movie that you just watch and get nothing out of it.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Teen Pregnacy over 20 years

1. the one thing i noticed about teen pregnancy is that the numbers most likely went up because most girls that I've grown up with have babies or are thinking about having one

2. i wouldn't know if the data changed because there is no chart that i could look at.

3. I think TV shows make teenagers think if they get pregnant at a young age than they have pretty good chance of getting famous, but that shit don't work because its the most dumbest reason to have a kid.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

teen mom

1.  this show creates a negative image for teens because all there doing is complaining about there child and arguing with there boyfriend if they didn't already lose them.

2. The TV show teen mom might effect real teens by making them have a baby because they think its alright because they had a kid or make them have a kid because they might think they will get a TV show out of it.

3. people who watch teen mom probably already have a kid or are thinking about having a kid just to try become famous like the stupid teens on the show. I really don't think that many teens behavior is going to change after watching pregnant teens argue and get mad.

4. Most teens today are already pregnant or have a child.

5. The show in my prospective is not entertaining and its defiantly not an informative documentary the show is just dumb.

6. teen pregnancy is increasing because most teens that I grew up with have kids or are pregnant.

7. I think they act a certain way to try get people to watch there dumb ass show.