About me

       My name is Liam , I'm in Grade 11. I'm not sure how people would describe me, I have lots of energy but I'm more laid back and chill to be more clear I like to be lazy, and I'm fun to around. my hobbies are hunting, fishing, playing games,and riding my ATV, I'm not really into sports, I don't have any hidden talents or any that I know of, One thing i like about myself is my attitude, I wouldn't change anything about myself because I like myself the way I'am. I don't have a hero but my role model is my father because he's someone i look up to. one thing I love to do is hunt because me and my dad can going hunting anytime of the year. One thing i hate is when the internet is down. Academics I'm strong in are anything I can pass, academics I'm not strong in are math, science, and ELA. I don't really like school but i need to graduate, I like to learn about the environment, hunting, and daily life skills that well need in our everyday day life. I don't know much about technology but i still like it. My grades do not reflect how smart I'am because I don't try hard enough in school, I'm sure how to make it interesting and there's nothing else to know.

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